Welcome to my PEP2 Adventure of Straw and Wood Level
Badge Bits and Badges. You can check out my
PEP1+ Adventure Log where I recorded all the Sand Badge Bits and Badges as I completed PEP1 and earned all 22 sand badges.
PEP1 & Straw Badges Earned
All 22 Sand Badges Earned
Animal Care
Straw Requirements - Complete 35 Points to Earn this Badge including up to 15 new projects from the Sand List (1 pt each)
Pest Control BB - 8 points
Breed a Rabbit Resulting in 3 Kits - 4 points
Breed a Ewe Resulting in 1 Lamb - 4 points
Breed a Goat Resulting in 1 Kid - 4 points
Shear a Sheep - 4 points
Sand: Build a Nice Bird House for House Wrens - 1 point
Sand: Build a Solitary Bee House (mason bees) - 1 point
Sand: Collect 12 Eggs from your Fowl - 1 point
Setup a Moveable Electric Fence for Paddock Shift - 1 point
Commerce Sand Badge
Community Living
Straw Requirements - Complete 35 Points to Earn this Badge
Brand a Piece of Equipment - 1 point
Thorn List: Prepare a Basic Meal for 8 or More People - 1.5 points
Thorn List: Give a 1-hour Presentation to 8 participants - 1.5 points
Dimensional Lumber Woodworking
Straw Requirements - Complete 4 required BBs and 4 New BBs from the Swanson List to Earn this Badge
Basic Shelves - custom sized for a need, at least 2 shelves high and 6 feet wide
Bench with a Back
Small Deck
Picnic Table
Swanson List: Wood Box/Crate
Swanson List: Sturdy Firewood Rack
Swanson List: Simple, Open Toolbox
Swanson List: Install 40 Square Feet of Siding
Earthworks Sand Badge
Straw Requirements - 35 Points required
Get at least 5 points from new items from the sand badge
No more than 20 points of duplication allowed
Oddball points allowed
New Sand: Move a Lead Acid Battery to the shop, charge it, and put it back - 1/2 point
New Sand: Small DC Solar Power Station - 4 points
New Sand: Replace Motion Detector Flood Light - 1/2 point
Duplicate Sand: Install Permanent Light Fixture - 1/2 point
Duplicate Sand: Install Permanent Light Fixture - 1/2 point
Duplicate Sand: Install Permanent Light Fixture - 1/2 point
Electricity Oddball: Convert floor lamp to table lamp - 1 point
Electricity Oddball: Replace a Thermostat - 1/2 point
Electricity Oddball: Replace a Fan Light Combination Unit - 1 point
Food Prep and Preservation Sand Badge
Foraging Sand Badge
Straw Requirements - 35 Points required (New items from the various sand lists allowed - ½ point each)
20 Pounds of Seed Balls - 4 points
Straw Requirements - Complete 5 BB to Earn this Badge
seed saving
encouraging volunteer or wild plants (probably mulching or chop and drop)
grow and harvest 100,000 calories from at least 12 species
build a hügelkultur 7 feet tall and 12 feet long
direct seed perennials
Greywater and Willow Feeders Sand Badge
Homesteading Straw Badge Approved 08/30/2023
Requirements - Complete 35 Points or Complete 34.5 Points plus 1 required BB to Earn this Badge
Up to 10 points of duplication allowed - I have included 3 points of duplication
New items from Sand list allowed (little list items count as ½ point each, big list items count as 1 point each)
Homesteading Oddball points allowed
Straw BBs
Drive a Truck and Trailer Backward with Turns - required - 1/2 point
Setup a Security Camera System (from a kit) - 2 points
Tow a vehicle 100 yards with another vehicle - 1 point
Sand List - New and Duplicate
Sand Little List: install a fire extinguisher - 1/2 point (duplicate)
Sand Little List: install a fire extinguisher - 1/2 point (duplicate)
Sand Little List: install a smoke detector - 1/2 point
Sand Little List: install a smoke detector - 1/2 point (duplicate)
Sand Little List: Properly Attach/Lash Something Ten Feet Long or Longer to a Vehicle - 1/2 point
Check a Game Cam - Gate - 1/2 point
Check a Game Cam - Pond - 1/2 point (duplicate)
Check a Game Cam - Ant Village - 1/2 point (duplicate)
Check a Game Cam Well - 1/2 point (duplicate)
Homesteading Oddball: Build (Weld and Assemble) and Operate a Gasification Unit - 44 points
(27 points applied to straw level and 17 points applied to wood level)
Wood Requirements - 180 Points required plus other requirements
Drive a truck/tractor/vehicle backward with a wagon (front wheels of wagon turn with tongue) - required - 1/2 point
Homesteading Oddball: Build (Weld and Assemble) and Operate a Gasification Unit - 17 points
(44 points total with 27 points applied to straw)
Metalworking Sand Badge
Natural Building Sand Badge
Straw -
Donkey's List: Build a Solar Finder and Permanently Mark True Solar South
Natural Medicine Straw Badge Awarded 4/18/2022
Requirements - Complete 10 BBs from the Quinn list and 40 new BBs from the Sand Badge
Quinn List - 10 BBs required -
10 BBs completed
Help with Acne (used created concoctions and purchased ointment)
Help with Burn (successfully used created concoction)
Help with Bruising (successfully used created concoction)
Help with Cold (successfully used created concoction)
Help with Cut (successfully used created concoctions)
Help with Earache (successfully used created concoction)
Help with Foot Fungus or Athlete's Foot (purchased concoctions)
Help with Sore Throat (successfully used created concoction)
Help with Toothache (purchased concoctions used)
Help with UTI (successfully used created concoctions)
Herb List - 10 BBs required -
13 BBs completed
Harvest, Dry, and Store Alfalfa Leaf or Blossom
Harvest, Dry, and Store Burdock Root
Harvest, Dry, and Store Comfrey Leaf
Harvest, Dry, and Store Dandelion Root
Harvest, Dry, and Store Culinary Sage Leaf
Harvest, Dry, and Store Elderberries
Harvest, Dry, and Store Horsetail
Harvest, Dry, and Store Lemon Balm
Harvest, Dry, and Store Mullein Leaf
Harvest, Dry, and Store Red Clover
Harvest, Dry, and Store Rose Hips
Harvest, Dry, and Store Rosemary
Harvest, Dry, and Store Uva ursi (kinnikinnik)
Infusion List - 3 BBs required -
8 BBs completed
Brew an Infusion - Alfalfa leaf with some flowers
Brew an Infusion - Horsetail
Brew an Infusion - Lemonbalm leaf
Brew an Infusion - Mullein leaf
Brew an Infusion - Red clover blossom
Brew an Infusion - Rose hips
Brew an Infusion - Rosemary leaf
Brew an Infusion - Uva ursi (kinnikinnick) leaf
Decoction List - 3 BBs required -
4 BBs completed
Burdock Root Decoction
Dandelion Root Decoction
Garlic Decoction
Mullein Root Decoction
Vinegar Infusion List - 3 BBs required -
3 BBs completed
Fire Cider
Garlic Infused Vinegar
Rosemary Infused Vinegar
Tincture List - 3 BBs required -
6 BBs completed
Burdock Root Tincture
Ginger Tincture
Mullein Tincture
Rosemary Tincture
Uva ursi (kinnikinnick) Leaf Tincture
Yarrow Leaf Tincture
Salve List - 3 BBs required -
5 BBs completed
Burdock Salve
Comfrey Salve
Ginger Salve
Mullein Salve
Rosemary Salve
Syrup List - 3 BBs required -
3 BBs completed
Burdock Syrup
Ginger Root Syrup
Rosehip Syrup
Oil Infusion List - 3 BBs required -
6 BBs completed
Burdock Root Infused Oil
Comfrey Leaf Infused Oil
Ginger Root Infused Oil
Mullein Leaf Infused Oil
Peppermint Leaf Infused Oil
Rosemary Infused Oil
Poultice List - 3 BBs required -
3 BBs completed
Comfrey Leaf Poultice
Mullein Leaf Poultice
Yarrow Poultice
Natural Medicine
Wood Requirements - Complete 180 Points from the Watson or Quinn Lists and
guided cancer care
Quinn BBs count for ½ point
Complete at least 25 different BBs
Watson tasks can be performed on yourself
Up to 30 points of duplication allowed
At least 20 different times your concoctions were part of the solution
Watson List - Help with Obesity (guided) - 2 points
Quinn List - Help with Stomache/indigestion - 1/2 point
Watson List - Help with Cancer (guided) - 20 points
Watson List - Help with ___________ - _____ points
Quinn List - Help with ____ - 1/2 point
Quinn List - Help with ____ - 1/2 point
Straw Requirements - Complete 35 Points to Earn this Badge
clean an oily dish without soap - now required for Sand - Previously Jeeves List - 1/2 point
clean four windows - inside and out - now required for Sand - Previously Alice List - 1 point
replace a locking door knob - ½ point
deep clean the fabric on a couch or chair using natural cleaners - now required for Sand - Previously Alice List - 1 point
make a general purpose natural cleaner - ½ point
Straw Requirements - Complete 35 New Points to Earn this Badge
Ply-Split Braiding - 1/2 point carryover from Sand level
Make Fabric from Silk Ties - 2 points
Build a Silk Hanky Frame - 1/2 point
Build a Silk Cap Frame - 1/2 point
Repair HansenCraft MiniSpinner (electric spinning wheel) - 1 point
Ike's Spikes: Coat Hooks and Shelf Brackets from Abandoned Railroad Spikes - 1.5 points
Clean and Repair a Household Vacuum - 1/2 point
Pneumatic Door Closer Replacement - 1 point
Solarium Entry - 3 points
Solarium Vertical Exhaust - 1/2 point
Harvest Lumber - 1 point
Shear a Rabbit - 1 point
Build a Rag Rug Frame/Loom - 1.5 points
Build a Spinning Wheel from Bicycle Parts - 12 points
Roof Transition Improvement - 1.5 points
Repair a Woven Rug - 5 points
Plumbing and Hot Water
Straw Requirements - Complete 35 Points to Earn this Badge
Up to 10 points of duplication allowed
Up to 5 new points (non-duplicates) from Sand list allowed (tiny list counts as ½ point each, big list items count as 1 point each)
Plumbing Oddball points allowed
Install a Valve in an Existing Pipe - 1 point
Tiny List: Repair a Hose - 1/2 point
Tiny List: Repair a P-Trap - 1/2 point
Install a Valve in an Existing Pipe - 1 point (duplicate)
Tiny List: Fix a Leaky Toilet - 1/2 point (duplicate)
Tiny List: Repair a Toilet Lid/Seat - 1/2 point (duplicate)
Tiny List: Clean/Decalcify a Faucet Aerator - 1/2 point (duplicate)
Tiny List: Clean/Decalcify a Shower Head - 1/2 point (duplicate)
Tiny List - Unclog a Drain with a Zip Tool - 1/2 point (duplicate)
Tiny List: Flush the Water Heater - 1/2 point
Rocket Sand Badge
Roundwood Woodworking Sand Badge
Textiles Straw Badge Awarded 2/28/2021
RequirementsComplete 7 required BB and 31 Points including minimums in 6 of the 11 categories to Earn this Badge
Seven Required BBs:
Start a Button Jar (harvest buttons from old shirts)
Sew on a Button
Create a Textile Toolbox
Harvest Fabric Scraps for Future Sewing Projects
Make a Small Loom Capable of Weaving a Belt
Mend a Small Hole or Tear Invisibly
Sewing Machine Maintenance
Repair: 3 point minimum - 3 points earned
Remove Lint and Pills from Clothing - 1/2 point
Mend a Hole in a Sweater - 1/2 point)
Unravel Old Sweater into Yarn for Other Projects - 1 point
Alter the Waist on Pants to fit - 1 point
Sew: 3 point minimum - 3 points earned
Sew a Skirt (20+ gore and pockets) - 3 points
Spin: 3 point minimum - 6.5 points earned
Prepare at least 8 ounces of wool - 3 points
Spin a Plied Yarn (8 ounces and 200 yards minimum) - 3 points
Make a Drop Spindle - 1/2 point
Stickwork: 3 point minimum - 5 points earned
Knit Socks - 3 points
Knit a Hat - 1 point
Crochet a Scarf - 1 point
Upholstery: 4 point minimum - 4 points earned
Add a Permanent Upholstery Cushion to a Chair or Stool - 2 points
Make a Bolster Pillow - 2 points
Weave: 3 point minimum - 6.5 points earned
Weave a Camera Strap - 2.5 points
Weave a Belt - 2.5 points
Weave a Leash - 1.5 points
Felt: no minimum - 2 points earned
Needle Felt a Figure - 2 points
Wax or Oil Cloth: no minimum - 1 point earned
Make Three Wax Cloths - 1 point
Dye: no minimum - 0 points earned
Leatherwork & Fur: no minimum - 0 points earned
Shoes: no minimum - 0 points earned
Wood Requirements - Complete 3 required items and 125 Points to Earn this Badge
(new items from Straw level allowed - no duplication and no points for items that were counted for the Straw Badge)
seed list (required)
long sleeve woven shirt - button or pullover
short sleeve or sleeveless shirt
sweater or cardigan
quilt (required)
mattress (tick) (required) - create a camping cot-size mattress (tick) stuffed with natural materials
wardrobe list - complete a full outfit
Knit Socks (completed for straw points)
woven or knit shirt or sweater
Sew a Skirt (20+ gore and pockets) (completed for straw points)
complete the straw dye list
complete the straw bedding list
shoe list
pair of shoes or pair of
boots - 12 points
big upholstery list (pick one)
couch - 35 points
comfy chair (one-person sofa) - 25 points
small shelter list (pick one)
oilcloth tarp (at least 12’ x 14’) - 5 points
recanvase a marquee tent, shelter frame, or easy up - 15 points
sleeping tent for 2+ people (at least 64 feet square
footprint) - 10 points
10’x10’ open tent with removable walls or bug screens - 8 points
big shelter list (pick one)
yurt - 100 points
teepee - 50 points
canvas tent - 25 points
event tent (or event
canopy with walls) - 45 points
housewares list (pick one or two)
starting from yarn or raw fiber - showing a good choice of materials and methods appropriate for the goal
towels - 2 kitchen/dish towels and 2 washing cloths - 15 points OR 1 bath towel and 1 washcloth - 15 points
rug - 25 points (24 square feet or bigger and not fur/skin)
privacy drapes - 8 points (10 feet wide total and can be multiple windows)
winter wool drapes - 8 points (10 feet wide total and can be multiple windows)
Additional Projects
Knit Fingerless Gloves - 2 points
Process Silk Cocoons into Hankies or Caps - 4 points
Spin Singles (a single-ply yarn - 9 ounces and 1,000 yards) - 2.5 points
Sew an Apron - 2 points
Remove Damaged or Unwanted Embroidery from a Garment without Damaging the Garment - 1/2 point
Tool Care
Straw Requirements - Complete 18 BB to Earn this Badge
Sharpen Three Knives
Make a Handle for a Tool from the Pin Handle List - Peavey
Sharpen a Tough Earth Working Tool
Sharpen Pruning Shears
Remove Rust, Clean, and Oil a Hand Tool
Thorough Chainsaw Sharpening Video
Woodland Care Sand Badge
Straw -
Put up One Cord of Firewood
Wood -
Put up Three Cords of Firewood
Useful Links
PEP1+ Adventure: My Log of Sand Badges and Bade Bits
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22 PEP Badges
Nicole's Post - Badge Artwork